“Optimizing Land Use for Sustainable Growth” a CAPI Dialogue – Guelph 2019

This Summary Report of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) Dialogue on “Optimizing Land Use for Sustainable Growth” held on April 24, 2019 in Guelph, Ontario, synthesizes the discussion that took place at this CAPI Dialogue. It is clear the sector is making progress in improving its environmental performance for future sustainability, but there are still challenges that need to be addressed, especially related to water quality. New knowledge, better practices, data, metrics, innovation and new technologies will be essential for helping address these challenges. The government has a role to play by investing in R&D, promoting agricultural extension and knowledge dissemination and providing incentives to farmers to adopt sustainable Best Management practices (BMPs). Industry has a role as well, by innovating, promoting BMPs (eg. 4Rs) and developing transparent systems for verifying sustainable production practices and collaborating across supply chains. Communicating the progress the sector has made will also be important. Future dialogues can also contribute to help the industry adapt to the changing environment for future quality growth.