Achieving Balance: The Future of the Environmental Farm Plan Program in Canada
Environment Farm Plan programming has been a part of the Canadian agricultural landscape since the ‘90s.
The global marketplace for Canada’s agri-food products is becoming increasingly emphatic about the need for farmers to provide proof that their operations are implementing beneficial management practices surrounding sustainability and environmental stewardship.
CAPI commissioned the following paper at a time when the dawn of the next policy framework, as well as the demands of global markets, present an opportunity for lawmakers and stakeholders to assess and make changes to Canada’s current EFP programming.
This report, authored by Dr. Bronwynne Wilton, Dr. Andrea Gal and Krista Kapitan of Wilton Consulting Group, provides context to Canada’s current landscape of EFP programming and how it is implemented across the country.
It also includes insight into the importance of EFPs, how they align with Canada’s zero-emissions goals, and some recommendations for how they could be improved.
Read the Report
Read the Policy Brief