Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: What it Means for Agriculture and Food Security

The impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine are being felt by Canadian and global agri-food systems. Volatility in domestic and international markets has increased. Disruptions to the already brittle supply chains will likely have long-lasting consequences. It is difficult for many Canadians to fathom the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. On March 9th, CAPI brought together a panel of experts to discuss the impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on agriculture and food security. Moderator: Tyler McCann, Managing Director, CAPI | Panelists: Shane Knutson, President, Polywest Ltd. | Sébastien Pouliot, Principal Agricultural Economist, Farm Credit Canada | Ted Bilyea, Distinguished Fellow, CAPI
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Ted Bilyea – Panelist Slides
Data Dashboard:
TAB 1: Ukraine’s top agri-food exports
TAB 2: Dependence on Ukraine
TAB 3: Calories from Ukraine