Competing Pressures: Conserving and Leveraging Ag Land in Canada

This webinar explored the dynamic landscape of Canadian agriculture, where we delved into the crucial role of land use in shaping the future of agriculture and food in Canada. In an era emphasizing environmental and economic sustainability and food security, understanding agricultural land use is essential. The diverse panel explored the interplay between policy decisions and the evolving agricultural landscape.
The webinar included an overview of CAPI’s new Agriculture Web Mapping Application Tool which utilizes maps key agricultural attributes and agri-environmental indicators nationwide. Beyond mapping, the tool offers advanced analysis capabilities, aiding in landscape assessment, conversion risk evaluation, and the prioritization of farmland restoration. It was a presentation of the new tool and a thoughtful dialogue on the past, present, and future of agriculture land use in Canada.
This initiative is supported in part by the RBC Foundation through RBC Tech For Nature and part of CAPI’s larger environmental initiative, Spearheading Sustainable Solutions.