
This Summary Report of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) Dialogue on “Optimizing Land Use for Sustainable Growth” held on February 21-22, 2019 in Calgary AB, synthesizes much food for thought that was generated at this CAPI Dialogue. It is clear the sector is doing its part to improve its environmental impacts for future sustainability. But there are still many challenges ahead to be addressed. Knowledge, better practices, data and metrics and innovation and new technologies will help address these challenges. The government can have a role by providing incentives to adopt sustainable production practices. Industry has a role as well, by innovating and developing transparent systems for verifying sustainable production practices. Another CAPI Dialogue in Guelph in late April 2019 may generate further insight into the way forward for the sector in ensuring future quality growth. 


What became clear throughout the CAPI consultations across Canada was that while there was a general consensus that the sector has what it takes to achieve the Barton growth targets, it will need to do more to achieve “quality” growth. This will require maintaining Canada’s natural capital, enhancing Canadians’ health and well-being and preserving public trust more than ever before.