On June 15th, 2022, Statistics Canada published its second release of data from the 2021 Census of Agriculture. This Quick Think Report compares the 2021 data with 2016 and 2011 data, providing analysis on land use and the adoption of sustainable farming practices. The colourful maps contained in this report allow readers to quickly visualize […]
In appreciation of World Soil Day, CAPI asked two leading figures in soil health, the Honourable Senator Robert Black and CAPI Distinguished Fellow Dr. Susan Wood-Bohm, to share their expertise on the subject. The main points listed below are a mere snapshot of the complex considerations surrounding soil – a primer, if you will. We hope the following Quick Think Report will spur some serious reflection and […]
Canada’s Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Governments are now negotiating the next agricultural policy framework, recently launching consultations with stakeholders in the agri-food sector. However, many involved in the current process may not be aware of the history and context that has led to the current approach and the benefits of a strong FPT accord on agriculture and […]
In early 2020, the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) launched a research program under the theme Creating Prosperity from Chaos. Initially, the chaos referred to disruptions in global trade, the sustainability of agri-food systems, and food security. However, chaos took on a new meaning when the pandemic began, impacting the health and wellbeing of all […]
This is a narrative summary of the CAPI Presentation given at the Big Solutions Forum pre-Dialogue on May 11th and was the basis for discussions. It outlines in-depth CAPI’s conclusions and how we got there.
This provides an overview of the discussions amongst Canadian agri-food system leaders at the Big Solutions Forum Trusted Opinion Leaders pre-Dialogue.
This is What We Heard at the final event of the Big Solutions Forum on May 20th. We heard perspectives from Deputy Ministers and Industry Leaders on how to achieve prosperity in Canadian agriculture in light of CAPI’s conclusions and key actions from the pre-Dialogue.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) presents real risks to trade in agricultural products, for food security among Northern, remote, and First Nations communities and the future of all cervids including already threatened species such as the Boreal Caribou, not to mention the potential risks of human transmission. CAPI has highlighted actions that should be seriously considered in […]
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) presents real risks to trade in agricultural products, for food security among Northern, remote, and First Nations communities and the future of all cervids including already threatened species such as the Boreal Caribou, not to mention the potential risks of human transmission. CAPI commissioned a study by University of Alberta economists, Dr. […]
Adopting soil conservation practices in agriculture could help ensure the long-term productivity of our land and increase the resilience of our agricultural systems, while helping mitigate climate change by promoting soil carbon sequestration in soil. Is this a silver bullet, or are there any trade-offs between yield, soil health and carbon storage in soil? While […]