Federal-Provincial-Territorial Relations: Taking the pulse of agriculture’s most underappreciated relationship
CAPI convenes experts to take the pulse of agriculture’s most underappreciated relationship
Agriculture is relatively unique in Canada in that responsibility is shared between Federal and Provincial governments. This means that governments need to work together, and with stakeholders, to move agri-food policy forward. As governments ramp up negotiations on the next 5-year agriculture policy framework it is time to check the health of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) relationship, ask whether it is positioned to deal with the challenges the agri-food system is facing, and consider how it should change to ensure the agri-food system can increase it’s economic, environmental, and social contributions.
This engaging dialogue will build on Douglas Hedley’s Perspective Report, Understanding our Past, and Present: Designing our Future: Federal-Provincial-Territorial Policy Making and Canadian Agriculture released by CAPI earlier this year.