
Press release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OTTAWA, Ontario, June 21, 2019 – The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) supports the launch of the “Food Policy for Canada: Everyone at the Table,” especially the creation of a Food Policy Advisory Council, which will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to enhance the agriculture and agri-food dialogue […]


This article, published in the High River Online on April 26, 2019, features CAPI turning 15 years old. CAPI brings people together from across agri-food supply chains, governments, and researchers to examine pressing issues facing Canadian agriculture and food. And we are 15 years old this year! CAPI would like to mark this special milestone […]


In this opinion piece, originally published in the Hill Times on March 27, 2019, Dr. Don Buckingham, CAPI’s President and CEO talks about how the Canadian government has identified the agriculture and agri-food sector as an engine of growth, with some pretty ambitious targets over the next decade as noted in the 2017 federal government’s Advisory […]


With Canada surpassing its 150th anniversary, Canadian agriculture and agri-food are at a critical crossroads, with calls to increase quality production, contribute to a national food policy, and do both in an environmentally sustainable manner. The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) is poised to embark on a strategic plan to more fully contribute to the agri-food industry’s goal of becoming a world leader in sustainable food production and economic growth within a trusted food system.