Bryan Gilvesy, CEO of ALUS, to be featured as a panelist at Canadian Agri-Food in a Sustainable World
Bryan Gilvesy has been with ALUS since 2006 and is a champion of progressive, sustainable farming. Mr. Gilvesy is heavily involved in the agri-food sector, having served on the Ministers Species at Risk Advisory Council and the Ontario Bobolink Roundtable. He holds a degree from the Ivey School of Business at Western University, where he is also the Executive in Residence for Agriculture and Sustainability. Mr. Gilvesy joins panel #5: Moving Forward on Sustainable Agriculture, where panelists will reflect on day 1 of the conference and will identify next steps for the future of sustainability in Canadian agri-food. Ms. Dori Gingera-Beauchemin, a Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) board member, will also participate on panel #5 among others who will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Canadian Agri-Food in a Sustainable World conference is taking place at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on October 2 and 3 and is hosted by CAPI and the Centre for Agri-Food Benchmarking. To ensure delegates can take full advantage of all that Ottawa has to offer, CAPI has reserved two hotel blocks, one at the Westin Ottawa and another at the Lord Elgin Hotel. These hotels are within walking distance of the National Arts Centre and other key attractions such as Confederation Park and the National War Memorial. This is the last week to book rooms in these hotel blocks! Conference hotel blocks are available until Thursday August 29 for the Westin Ottawa and until Monday September 2 for the Lord Elgin Hotel. Full details for booking can be found on the event webpage under Accommodation. After these dates regular room rates will apply.
With the conference being only 36 days away, make sure to register early to avoid missing the early bird deadline! This deadline ends Wednesday September 18, after which full conference rates will apply. The conference will feature two days of discussion defining sustainability in the context of agriculture and food and what this means for future productivity and economic growth of the sector. To learn more and to register visit the event webpage. Conference speakers and sponsors will continue to be added in the coming weeks. Register today.
CAPI and the Centre for Agri-Food Benchmarking would like to thank the following organizations for sponsoring Canadian Agri-Food in a Sustainable World:
- Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
- Protein Industries Canada (PIC)
- Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance (CAFTA)
- Aquanty
- The Global Forum for Farm Policy and Innovation (GFFPI)
Any organizations interested in sponsoring this event may contact Bree Jones ( for more information.